- chr(13) = change to the next line
- _ = break code to two lines
- Transpose: Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose()
- Upper and lower bound: UBound() and LBound()
- Join/concatenate: joins text, numbers, cell references, or a combination of those items into one text string
- Range("B1:B10 , A4:D6").Select 选中两块不连续区域;
- Range("B1:B10 A4:D6").Select 选中交叉的区域;
- Range("B1:B10","A4:D6").Select 选中包含两块区域的最小矩形。
- UsedRange: 所有使用过的单元格围成的区域;
- Current Region: 所在的当前的区域;
- Offset: 向下向右移动位置;
- Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1,0): A列第一个非空的单元格;
- Count: 单元格个数;
- Address: 单元格位置;
- Select, Activate
- Clear, ClearContents, ClearComments, ClearFormats
- Copy, Cut, Delete